Fire procedures and drills

Fire procedures and drills

If you discover a real fire (including during a fire drill), don’t panic! Activate the nearest manual alarm call point, shout a warning to alert those close by, and evacuate as per the guidelines in this factsheet.

As per DCD requirements, each year evacuation drills must be conducted to test all safety systems and to ensure residents are aware of the safety and evacuation procedures in case of an emergency.

It is expected that the drill will take approximately 30 minutes barring any incidents that might occur during the proceedings.

No. As per DCD guidelines, the drill should simulate a real-life situation that requires a full evacuation.

To enable us to contact you in case of an emergency, as well as support the evacuation of disabled persons from the building, please include these details by logging into your profile. We will treat any information you provide as confidential.

There are stairwells in all towers as well as corridors that lead to a safe place outside the building. You will need to use these stairs, as the elevators will be shut down during the drill. When you exit the stairs, please move as quickly as possible to the assembly point.

Fire marshals will be wearing fluorescent safety jackets.

The retail units will also participate in the drill.

You will be informed by the fire marshal at the assembly point, once the drill is complete.