There are various ways you can pay the Community Service Fee relating to your property:
– By cheque
– Online payment
– Emaar E-Service
– Self-service kiosk at The Ranches Souk
– Visit our Credit Control Department at Emaar Square
– Bank transfer
– Emaar One
Delayed / non-payment of the CSF can potentially deprive your community of the funds required to continue the supply of essential services such as common area maintenance, air-conditioning, security, street lighting and irrigation.
CSF defaulter awareness campaigns, as well as the suspension of non-essential services, have proved useful measures in boosting the collection of outstanding dues. In some cases, a debt recovery agency has been appointed to supplement ECM’s actions.
Approvals for unit sales and alterations are also restricted until the outstanding Community Service Fees have been paid.
The CSF is each owner’s annual contribution towards his/her share of the common expenditure of the community. The CSF rate is determined based on the estimated annual expenditure of the community for the operation and maintenance of the common property as well as its share towards the Master Community. Please see the Community Service Fee page for further information.
The Capital Reserve Fund has been established for the costs incurred in the repair and replacement of capital items no longer under warranty. Examples of this would be the replacement of the chillers or access barriers. It is vitally important to have a robust fund to guarantee not only the smooth running of the community but also ensures that property values are maintained well into the future.
Our budgeting team considers the following aspects when calculating the Community Service Fee (CSF):
· Historical expenses
We evaluate actual expense trends from the previous year based on individual cost items. Depending upon the operational plan, we decide whether or not to include them again in the following year’s budget. In addition, our hands-on experience from daily site operations gives further insight into various aspects of accurate budgeting and cost savings.
· Resource allocation on site
We periodically review resources on-site to find ways of improving performance by employing new technology and operational methods based on international best practices. This continuing development in the management of our resources has a substantial and positive effect on the budget.
· Service provider contracts
By regularly reviewing service provider contracts, we can evaluate key areas of improvement such as performance and cost savings. This helps us to determine future budgets and predict expenses.
· Capital asset evaluation (maintenance, repair and replacements)
Capital assets that are no longer under the manufacturer’s warranty are regularly reviewed for major maintenance or replacement. Essential equipment, such as sewage pumping stations and/or similar items, supports the overall infrastructure of the community. So we make allowance in our budget for the upkeep of these items, thus ensuring the community has sufficient funds available during times of emergency and / or when replacements are required.
· Provision for doubtful debts
This amount allows for the setting aside of a small portion of CSF collections as a provision in case certain receivables are required to be written off in the future. This practice conforms to the basic accounting principle of Conservatism, and this step is taken to strengthen the financial position of the community. ·
Surplus/deficit adjustment from previous years
Finally, any surpluses or deficits from previous years are brought into consideration during the determination of the CSF rate for the current year. This allows us to maintain funds at an optimum level to cater for every eventuality and serve the community to the highest standards.
Throughout the course of the year, your community generates an income by way of a variety of channels. This helps us to reduce overall costs to you. These sources of income include:
Access cards: The access cards used by residents to enter their community or the parking areas are provided to homeowners at a small cost and the income generated from these is credited to the community’s account.
Marketing and distribution permit fees: The community is often the target of marketing for many small and medium-sized businesses. To ensure that only legitimate businesses gain access to the community to promote their goods and services, we regulate activity with the provision of a permit that allows the distribution of promotional material. An administration fee of AED 1000 (plus VAT) per application is collected as income to the community.
Notices of violation/vandalism penalties: To ensure adherence to community rules and architectural codes, notices of violation are issued along with penalties to those who fail to comply. Private contractors are also given notices of violation if they breach any community rule or carry out activities that contravene their entry permits. Vandalism is a serious offense, and persons who vandalise community property are penalised and reported to the local law enforcement authorities. Funds from such penalties form part of the income to the community.
Miscellaneous income: The miscellaneous fund is income generated from other avenues such as interest earned through call accounts, bounced cheque charges, and revenue from community market days.
If you have not received your community service fee invoice then you are required to update your email and phone numbers urgently by visiting your community portal.
Effective 2016, invoices for community service charges are not being sent by post but only via email.