You may contact Community Security on 056 206 9871, 24 hours a day or involve the local authorities for further escalation.
You may contact Community Security on 056 206 9871, 24 hours a day or involve the local authorities for further escalation.
Saturday is a working day for our community service providers and while we have asked them to reduce noisy work whenever possible in the early morning hours, we cannot stop all noise. Trimming, mowing and other essential maintenance activities are scheduled and performed over a six-day work week and are required to maintain the site to a high standard. No work is carried out on Sundays or public holidays.
You may first ask them directly to be more considerate or contact Community Security on 056 206 9871, 24 hours a day.
If there is still no satisfactory resolution, you may involve Dubai Police on 999 for further escalation.